Quick Ride - Wellesley to Spadina via Hoskin & Harbord in Toronto Canada


Thank you for stumbling upon this video today - we appreciate you being here.  We're trying something new today just to see how it looks.  We're taking a 'comical' ride today where we've edited the video to be comic book or cartoon like-ish… sort of?  Its good to be different ;)

Come along with us on this quick ride! We jump on Wellesley street just East of Sherbourne Street and head west towards Jarvis. We continue on Wellesley street heading west, passing at the edge of Queen's park to Hoskin and the middle of the University of Toronto.  We continue onto Harbord to Spadina and turn around and head back.

Just a quick ride - nothing too exciting; just ensuring we're getting at least 20 minutes of decent physical exercise each and every day.  It is good for your body and for your mental health to keep active.

Thank you for your time and we hope the rest of your day will be full of awesomeness and surprises.


Abandoned Cemetery - Halloween Ambience


Inside the Cabin - Halloween Ambience - Middle of the Woods Spooky Place