Leaves Rustling on a Quiet Rail Trail, a Tory Hill Breezy Fall Afternoon
Enjoy an afternoon on the I.B. & O Rail Trail (former Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa Railway) near Tory Hill in the Highlands East area of Central Ontario. The now abandoned rail line began in 1884, reached Bancroft in 1910 and saw its last run in 1960. This trail is one of the recently designated rail trails in Ontario.
Listen to the leaves rustling and some light raindrops falling when the wind picks up a bit. Enjoy the vibrant yellow colours at the leaves begin to turn as fall encroaches upon the area each and everyday.
The trail is a total of 14km long and is loved by people who enjoy geocaching as the greater area up here is considered the geocaching capital of Canada. (Irondale, Gooderham, Tory Hill, Wilberforce, Harcourt, Highland Grove & Cardiff).